Presenting the Most Transformational Course on Printables Available!

Create Transformational Printables NOW!



..But, I've already taken a printables course!

You haven't taken a printables course like this one, though. I show you how User Experience and Product Designers in the industry create products that actually transform the lives of customers.

There is no course like this on the market right now. Learn from my 20 years of experience in creating products for various Fortune 500 companies. I reveal what works and what doesn't when it comes to designing products!

This isn't your average printables course!

I'll help you:

  • Learn how to create printables that will help your customer
  • Learn how to design printables with form and function
  • Learn how to use PowerPoint and Canva to design printables
  • Learn how to create personas and empathy maps so you can get into your customer's head
  • Learn how to test your printables to make sure they will actually provide a transformation for your customer
  • ..and so much more!



Do you want to create printables that sell themselves?

Do you not know how to design printables? I feel you!

Are you struggling to sell printables? I hear you!

It could be because your customers do not find any value in them. How is your printable going to help their life?

I was also having lots of trouble trying to sell my first printables several years ago. They were very pretty, yet no one was purchasing them.

My 9-5 job at the time was a Lead User Experience and Product Designer, but I wanted to work for myself.

My friends and family said I should give up and focus on my job instead of chasing this "pipe dream".

One day, I had an epiphany! Why not apply the skills that I have learned on the job to my printable creation?

My sales then skyrocketed! Many people bought my printables and I had no trouble selling them.

In Transformational Printables, I give you the tools that I have learned in my 20-year career as a User Experience and Product Designer for various Fortune 500 companies.

  • I show you step-by-step how to create the best printable for your audience with techniques used by User Experience and Product Designers.
  • After going through Transformational Printables, you will have the ability to make printables that will transform the lives of your customers!

The Sirtfood Diet printable I created earns me several sales a day organically. It helps my customers lose weight with the Sirtfood Diet.

Transformational printables are so valuable to your customers that they sell themselves!

"Highly recommend."

"I adore the Transformational Printables course. I love that Becky teaches about designing printables with user experience in mind. I learned everything about the design process, including key principles for UX printables, how to brainstorm & create personas, user testing, and much more. The course teaches how to solve customers' problems by creating printables that are practical and useful. The small modules in video format are very easy to follow. Highly recommend. " 

Carmen Chan

Design Expert at

Imagine what it would be like if…

  • You were able to create awesome printables in PowerPoint and Canva
  • You were able to get inside your customer's head to better serve their needs
  • You were able to sell more printables because they actually help your customer - not just look pretty!

With Transformational Printables you can create printables that provide your customer with a transformation so they will buy from you again and again!


Learn from an award-winning design professional

I show you the techniques that I have used in my 20 year career as a designer!

Save time when creating printables

Now that you have a system in place for making printables, you don't need to waste time trying to figure out what your customer wants!

Learn how to create printables that are easy to sell!

Are you struggling to get sales because your customers don't find value in your products? This course will help you succeed!

Actually help your customers with your printables

Your customers don't want to buy a printable just because it is pretty. They want a transformational benefit out of it.


You get 8 Commercial Use Printable Templates and Trainings Too as BONUSES!

  • Gratitude Journal Template in PowerPoint and Training on how to make it
  • Teen Bible Planner Template in PowerPoint and Canva plus Training on how to make it
  • Teen Party Planner Template in PowerPoint and Canva plus Training on how to make it
  • Teen Student Planner Template in PowerPoint and Canva plus Training on how to make it
  • Beach Vacation Planner Template in PowerPoint and Canva plus Training on how to customize the planner into the Cruise Vacation Planner Template
  • Homeschool Planner Template in PowerPoint and Canva plus how to convert the print into the Digital Homeschool Planner Template

You can customize these templates as your own and then resell them for personal use to make money on Etsy or another platform!

This Home Binder printable has earned me over $100,000 since I created it!

Think about where you are going to be this time next year if you don't go through Transformational Printables.

Are you still going to be getting hardly any sales from your printables?

Are you still going to be wondering why other people's printables sell, while yours don't?

What was the last thing that you purchased?

I bet it was something that solved a problem that you had.

  • You probably bought a veggie burger because you were hungry.
  • You probably bought new shoes because yours had worn out.

People only spend money to solve problems!

When you invest in Transformational Printables, you will gain the necessary tools to create printables that actually solve the problems of your customer.

This printable helps my customers clean their homes, with meal planning, and more!

Transformational printables are different because they truly sell themselves!

Hi, I'm Becky!

I'm a proud mom of a 7-year-old son with special needs and live in the Dallas, Texas area with my family.

I own Mom Beach LLC, a multiple 6-figure printables and digital product business.

For 20 years, I worked for various Fortune 500 companies as a User Experience (UX) and Product Designer. I earned a BFA in Graphic Design and have multiple UX design and Design Thinking certifications.

I have learned techniques that streamline the design process. I love to create products that provide the customer with a transformation.

In Transformational Printables, you will gain the tools to succeed in your own printables business!

Becky has been featured in:

"Easy to go through and understand"

"The Transformational Printables course was extremely easy to go through and understand. I really enjoyed the 'bite-size lessons. There are a lot of 'gems' in the program that are very helpful and I will use going forward in creating more printables and products."  

Holli Rovenger

Coach at


  • Module 1: What is User Experience Design?
  • Module 2: User Research - Learn how to create a persona and empathy map to understand the problems of your customer.
  • Module 3: Design - Learn design techniques, accessibility design, how to create printables in PowerPoint and Canva, and more!
  • Module 4: User Testing - Learn how to properly test your printable to make sure it helps your customer.
  • Module 5: Customers - Learn how to treat customers so they keep coming back to you again and again.
  • Module 6: Case Study - Learn about one of my printables that brings in several sales a day on autopilot.
  • Module 7: New for 2023 - Extra Templates and Training with 6 training videos and 8 commercial use printable templates for Canva and PowerPoint. Templates are: Gratitude Journal, Teen Bible Planner, Teen Party Planner, Teen Student Planner, Homeschool Planner, Homeschool Digital Planner, Beach Vacation Planner, and Cruise Vacation Planner
  • Module 8: Ending and Next Steps
  • Module 9: Bonuses - Pinterest Product Pin templates and a video on how to get back your PayPal if you become banned!

Invest NOW




Is it hard to learn User Experience and Product Design Techniques?

No, it is very easy with my step-by-step instructions. You will be designing like an industry pro in no time at all with my guidance. I have short actionable videos that will have you hitting the ground running!

I'm a newbie. Will this course help me?

Transformational Printables helps both newbies and seasoned pros. I have step-by-step videos that will help you succeed in your printables design process.

Is this course PLR/Commercial use?

No, this course is for personal use only. The 8 printable templates are PLR/commercial use. Simply save them as a PDF to resell them for personal use. You may not resell the PowerPoint and Canva templates.

Is this course for PLR sellers or personal use sellers?

I provide information for both personal and PLR sellers in this course. Specifically, I instruct you on the correct image licensing use for your templates if you are a PLR seller. If you are a personal seller, you will also learn various techniques on how to improve your printables.

This course is too expensive!

Think about what it is really costing you to not invest in Transformational Printables. If you are already making over $10,000 a month selling printables like I am, then this course may not be needed.

I don't have time to take another course!

You can take Transformational Printables on your own time. It is a self-paced course with 30 short actionable lessons. If you spend at least 1 hour-30 minutes a week on the Transformational Printables course, your printable creation will improve.

Is this course video or text?

There are 30 lessons spread over 9 modules. The videos range from 1 minute to 60 minutes each. There is also text in some of the modules.

What is the refund policy?

There are no refunds as this is an instantly downloadable digital course that can't be returned. There are also several Canva Product Pin Templates and commercial use templates you can customize and resell as your own.

Tara Alexandra

Coach at

"Foundational training for any creative's toolbox"

"In today’s highly competitive digital marketplace, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to make sure your user interface and product design are top-notch. That means paying attention to details that others ignore or don’t know about. Transformational Printables is foundational training for any creative’s toolbox. With short, to-the-point videos, links to resources, and examples, Becky provides a strong start to help you think about your own creative business from a new perspective.

From defining a customer persona and understanding their view of the world, to addressing crucial accessibility issues, from creating designs in PowerPoint or Canva to thinking about your own design and layout issues, you’re led through a logical process designed to help fashion products your customers will love. Becky unearths those important points and nuances that will help you be more mindful throughout your own processes of planning, producing, and promoting printables.

Watch the videos, take notes, and then watch them again and relate the key points to your own projects. Recommended for anyone who wants to uplevel how they “view and do” their printables business!"

What would be possible if...

you could design a transformational printable?

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