Learn how to create printables for kids with special needs!

Only $147


Are you struggling to sell the same ole types of printables?

Why not tap into the hot-selling niche of printables for kids with special needs?

6.5 million (14.4%) of children are born with special needs, so their parents and teachers need your help.

Click on the video below to learn more about the course and DFY printable templates:

In Printables for Kids with Special Needs, I teamed up with my sister, Christine Duff, MS.Ed., to teach you how to create 5 best-selling printable types.

This is an unsaturated, yet in-demand niche that anyone can profit from!

Only $147

During this actionable training, you’re going to be shown how to…

  • Create task and routine sheet printables
  • Create fish addition printables
  • Create color sorting printables
  • Create color pattern printables
  • Create feelings printables

Printables for kids with special needs are best-sellers on Etsy!

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You get Training and BONUSES!

  • Printables for Kids with Special Needs Training
  • BONUS: Task schedule printable templates
  • BONUS: First - Then printable template
  • BONUS: 62 hand-painted watercolor task clipart
  • BONUS: Fish addition printable template
  • BONUS: Color patterns printable template
  • BONUS: Color sorting printable template
  • BONUS: Feeling sticks printable template
  • BONUS: Feeling chart printable template
  • BONUS: Feeling spinner printable template
  • BONUS: 20 emotions clipart
  • BONUS: $20 off coupon for a PLR product at PLRBeach.com

What are you waiting for?

Only $147

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Hi, I'm Becky

I'm a mom of a wonderful 6-year-old boy and a 6-figure printables business owner. It is my passion to help other women build their own 6-figure and beyond businesses.

I run the popular blog, MomBeach.com, where I help moms find success and balance. I have a personal use printable store (shop.MomBeach.com) and a commercial use (PLRBeach.com) template store.

In September of 2021, I was able to quit my job and run my business full time! I'm so thrilled to help you in your quest to be a successful business owner.

I make over $10,000 a month from my personal use printable Shopify store, Mom Beach Printables.

If I can do it, then so can you! Let me show you how!

Becky has been Featured in:

Hi, I'm Christine

I have a masters in education of curriculum instruction and currently earning my Ph.D. in education.

I have a beautiful 9-year-old daughter, Angela, and live in the Dallas, TX area with my husband and pets.

For 15 years, I have taught kids with special needs.

I'm very proud to teach you how to make the same printables that I use in my classroom for my kids!

Q & A Webinar - August 5th at 11 am CST

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't afford this training!

The real statement is, "How can I afford not to take this training?". Printables for kids with special needs are a booming business. Millions of kids are born with special needs so their parents need your help to keep them busy with quality printables.

Do you offer refunds?

No refunds will be given since this is instant digital training and PLR templates that cannot be returned. You also get a $20 off coupon for a PLR template that you can create a product with to resell as your own.

Do the printables have customizable text?

Yes! All of the printable templates have text that can be customized for different languages or verbiage. The Feelings and Task printables are in Canva and PowerPoint. The other 3 printables are just in PowerPoint.

Are the printables physical or digital?

All of the printables are digital downloads. Nothing will be shipped! You can decide to print, cut out, and laminate the printables to sell as a physical product to your customers.

I don't have time for this training!

There are short action-packed videos that you can take on your own time. If you can manage to spend only 30 minutes a week on this course, then you will make progress. This is a self-paced course that you can take on demand any time you'd like.

What license do I get with the printables and clipart?

You can only resell the printables for personal use. You have to create an end product such as a JPG, PNG, or PDF. You can't resell the Canva or PowerPoint template. You have to sell the clipart in end products, not as-is.

Can these printables be used for adults with Alzheimer's or dementia?

Yes, especially the tasks and routine charts. There are so many different niches these printables can be for - not just for kids with special needs.

I have another question!

Please email me at becky@plrbeach.com and I will get back with you within 24 hours.

HURRY! This training and bonuses are only available for a limited time!

Only $147

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